Monday, 9 September 2013

Extension methods for rounding time up and down

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Here is a generic extension method to clamp values for any IComparable Type.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Select all / all on page checkbox ASPxGridView

Monday, 15 July 2013

Great way to stop session timeout

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Remove Edit / Cancel links from ASPxGridView edit form

Add an Edit Form Template Replacement..

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Add a print button for ReportViewer Reports in Google Chrome

Set up your report viewer as follows:

Friday, 31 May 2013

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Input string was not in a correct format.

IE 10 issue with Image buttons in update panel. Replace the buttons with something other than an image button

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

How to add a filter results button to search items on click rather than automatically - ASPxComboBox DevExpress

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Download a file

How to transmit a file to a browser for download..

Thursday, 7 February 2013

InstallShield Service install Error 1001

Within the InstallShield full application: Look at Tools->Options->.NET and check to see that you are using the correct version of InstallUtilLib.dll ( in the correct .net version folder)

Installshield log setup

Setup.exe /v"/l*v \"c:\My Log Files\test.log\""

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Convert DataTable to CSV and download to client

Friday, 1 February 2013

Virtual PC - Get Virtual PC's to see each other

If you are using virtual PC and they cant see each other, try setting the network card to the card that is installed in the host machine ( not NAT, or Shared Networking )

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

InstallShield. .net install class service not uninstalled

If you are using install shield, and uninstalling the application but a service is left it could be caused by the system thinking the dll's are shared between other applications.

To resolve this, simply remove the entries relating to your application from the following registry key.


This should then allow the service to install / uninstall naturally.

Additionally, you need to check all of the components of the InstallShield install to make sure they are not set as 'Shared' This stops them from being uninstalled.

Delete windows service from command line

sc delete "servicename"

The service name can be found by right clicking on the service in the services window, and checking the service name field.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Install Shield ISDEV: error: 0

This error can happen if there are readonly files in the install project directory

Install Shield - Service install Project

If you want to create an Install Shield project for an existing .net service installation project it can be achieved using the existing Installer class from the .net project.

After adding the files to the Is project, in components view click on the exe/dll that contains the .net installer class.

In the properties window in the .net Settings section there is a property called '.net Installer Class'. If you set this property to true, install shield will execute the actions that the existing Microsoft installer would have used.

Friday, 18 January 2013

How to Use InstallShield XML Files Changes

Forget the designer and how it tries to make you work, you need to think in terms of XPath queries to get to the element you're looking for. The tree view represents the XPath expression to find existing items, not a typical treeview of an XML file. Here are the steps I used to successfully manage my config file changes.

1. Create a component for your existing development XML file and include the XML file in it. Set all of the attributes for the file properly (key file, target location, etc.)

2. Switch to XML view and use the import wizard. Only import the keys you want to change

3. Once the wizard is done, select the file itself and set the XML File Destination to match the XML file you're modifying.

4. Change the search patterns for the keys you want to modify. For some reason, the IDE shows this as the Element Name - this is actually the XPath query to find the element. In my case, I have one key in my config for the database. The "Element Name" in XML changes view is 'add[@key="Database"]'. In other words, remove the 'value' part.

5. Delete anything in the attributes section that you aren't trying to change (in my case, the 'value' attribute is the only one I left)

6. Set the Value of your attribute as necessary (I use [SQLDATABASE] - my own database Property) and set the operation to Append Value.

7. Switch to advanced view and make sure that only "Update first matching element only" is checked (unless you want to replace multiple, identical elements - but then you have other fish to fry)

8. I don't know if this is strickly necessary but I'm a bit nutty when it comes to how clean my installs must be - I use the Direct Editor a lot trying to clean up the garbage that the wizards leave lying around. Go to Direct Editor and choose the ISXmlFile table, change the Component of your file to the Component that houses the XML file from step

9. Now go back to component view and delete the extra, blank component that the XML changes wizard created.

Found at:

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Installshield - Install rolled back when creating Virtual directory

Installation is Rolled-back while creating the VirtualDirectory?

Further exploration revealed that the Installation rollback happens while creating a mapping between the IIS Application and Physical path. There can be two reasons that the installation gets rolled-back while creating a mapping between IIS Application and Physical path.

1. If the web.config is in read only the installation will roll back as it can’t edit the file. But I am not attempting to explictly edit the web.config file while creating the virtual directory.

2. If you are trying to map the website to an empty folder then also it will rollback. A valid point:).. why do you want to create a website without any file?

So please make sure that the web.config file's read-only attribute is removed before bundling the file with the installer.

Note: The contents in this article is verified in InstallShield 2012 SP1 Premier Editions with Basic MSI Project.

Solution found and taken from